Portrait Session with Life Design and Business Leadership Coach, Patrick Summar

November 29, 2010

Recently, Steve and I had to travel to California, and decided to spend a little extra time there so we could visit a variety of friends in the area. Included on our agenda was a lunch with Patrick Summar and his lovely wife, Renee Safier.  Shortly before our departure, Patrick had emailed Steve to advise us he had just revamped his Life Design and Business Leadership Coaching Website, (http://www.PatrickSummar.com), and asked us to take a look.  While the content of the site was impressive, we were bothered that it contained only one picture of Patrick. We felt it would be much more visually impactful if Patrick had a variety of images of himself.  We offered to help him accomplish that task, and he accepted our offer.  In turn, he offered to share some of his coaching strategies with us.  And so, our lunch engagement was extended to a good part of the afternoon where we each shared our talents with one another.

Especially considering it was such an impromptu session, we thought we got a nice variety of images of Patrick. Here are a few of our favorites:

In a short period of time, Patrick shared some very thought provoking and valuable coaching information with us.  It was evident he is very good at what he does. We highly recommend him to any individual or business that feels their personal and/or professional life could benefit from a little fine tuning.

Thanks for a delightful lunch, and a great exchange of professional services!

Company Team Portrait in the Snow

December 22, 2008

The snow has been meager and late coming to Sun Valley, Idaho this year.  It did manage, however, to storm at exactly the time we had scheduled six busy lady accountants from McPherson & Keppler CPA’s to be available for their outdoor team portrait.

Because the falling snow would have made using strobe lights problematic,  we chose available light.  An empty snow-covered road beckoned as the location of choice:  it could serve as a clean setting, a giant reflector to fill any shadows, and allowed plowed parking room for our 4 vehicles.


My plan was to start the group spread out, then work them closer and closer together.


Time was also a serious factor–no one really wanted snow in their hair



Happy Holidays to (L-R) Mary Keppler, Kathy Scott, Wanuza Leal-Wallace, Lois Rickert, Christy McPherson, and Felicity Turner from Steve Smith Photography!